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Share your writing with us! We want stories from the three genre categories: sci-fi/ fantasy; horror/thriller; historical fiction; young adult.

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Ashley Bao

Ashley Bao is a Chinese-Canadian-American high school junior. She spends her time writing and dreaming, mostly about cats. Her poetry and short fiction has appeared in Liminality, Strange Horizons, Cast of Wonders, and elsewhere. She may sometimes be found looking at cute cats on Twitter @ashleybaozi.


We were lost in the woods. He held the map sideways, trying to decipher which path we were on.

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Latest News

Meet Your Next AI Friend

By Caitlin Taylor So Artificial intelligence is on the rise and everyone’s mind as another chatbot or generative AI application emerges on every site you use or engage with. But have you met these AI characters? Check out these YA books (written by real humans!) that take place in worlds powered by artificial intelligence and […]

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Meet Your Next AI Friend

Young Adults Write YA Contest Winners

Thank you to all the young adults that submitted their work to be considered for Voyage YA by Uncharted‘s Young Adults Write YA Contest. We are excited to announce the winners here! XXX Winners First Place: “Tears Like Summer Rain” by Rose RasorSecond Place: “All Mad Here” by Emi DavisThird Place: “The Bird Bag” by […]

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Young Adults Write YA Contest Winners

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize | Judged by Keshe Chow Longlist

Novel excerpts are so good we had to put 38 of them on our longlist for this contest. Soon, we’ll narrow this list down to fifteen to send to guest Judge Keshe Chow! Reading excerpts from novels in progress each year is always a privilege!

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize | Judged by Keshe Chow Longlist

Recommended Reading: Genre Flash!

by Myna Chang I love genre fiction and flash fiction, so I was thrilled when I learned Uncharted would be offering another flash contest this year! The contest is open to stories of 1,000 words or less in any of our genre categories: science fiction, fantasy, thriller, horror, mystery, historical, or young adult. We love […]

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Recommended Reading: Genre Flash!

Beyond the Bounds of Realism:An Interview with Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, fiction co-editor at Barrelhouse Magazine, and graduate of American University’s MFA. Her award-winning work includes multiple short story and hybrid collections. Her sixth book, City of Dancing Gargoyles, will be released by SFWP in the fall of 2024. The novel is set in the parched, post-apocalyptic Western […]

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Beyond the Bounds of Realism:An Interview with Tara Campbell

Read Until the World Ends

By Caitlin Taylor So The world is a scary place. It can also always be scarier. For some, that might be a comfort to keep in mind during troubling times. Here are some well-known YA dystopian and post-apocalyptic novels we hope will counterintuitively give you some peace of mind. The Waves are coordinated attacks The […]

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Read Until the World Ends

Refractions: Uncharted Magazine’s Genre Flash Fiction Prize

Last week to submit! It’s time to write short at Uncharted Magazine! We want your stories of 1,500 words or fewer in all of our genres! So sharpen those pencils and flex those fingers. We’re excited to offer the winner of this prize $1,000 and publication, while the second- and third-place winners will receive publication […]

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Refractions: Uncharted Magazine’s Genre Flash Fiction Prize

Dive Into Pride This June With These Colorful Reads

By Caitlin Taylor So Happy pride month, dear readers! However you may identify and show up in the world every day, we want to celebrate everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. Here are some books you can dive into this month and all year round. Based on a true story from Patricia Highsmith herself and the […]

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Dive Into Pride This June With These Colorful Reads

Crafting Character Transformations

By Jessica Berg So often, authors will create an engaging and immersive narrative with rich characterization, and then … nothing happens. That is to say, there’s no change in the main character from the beginning of the work to the end. In other words, there’s no arc. Understanding character arc is key for writers who […]

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Crafting Character Transformations

Romance Challenge Shortlisted Stories

We’ve narrowed down our queue to a delightful thirteen stories for the shortlist! We’re working together as a team to pick the winner, and we’ll have the results in a few weeks! What’s your favorite title below?

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Romance Challenge Shortlisted Stories

Recommending a Book for Each Popular Romance Trope

By Caitlin Taylor So In honor of Uncharted’s ten day writing challenge, The Romance Challenge, here are book recommendations for ten popular romance tropes to jumpstart your heart and creativity. Click on the titles to find out more! First Son Alex Claremont-Diaz and Prince Henry of England have a meet-cute for the history books. The […]

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Recommending a Book for Each Popular Romance Trope

2024 Debuts to Look Out For

By Caitlin Taylor So As we approach the halfway point of 2024, there’s still new beginnings to look forward to. Keep an eye out for these books by debut authors—some the first in a series—and you might just find new favorites and obsessions! Click on the titles to find out more! Pick up this Jamaican-inspired […]

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2024 Debuts to Look Out For

Building Rhetorics of Joy: An Interview with Bethany Jacobs

by Kate Tooley The first time I met Bethany Jacobs was shortly after the release of her debut novel, These Burning Stars, in late 2023. We’d sat yelling distance from Union Square, freezing and eating tacos in one of the semi-enclosed outdoor dining areas that are now permanent relics of the pandemic. In the time […]

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Building Rhetorics of Joy: An Interview with Bethany Jacobs

Through the Looking Glass Challenge

CONTEST NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING. For this 20-day challenge Voyage YA by Uncharted is looking for young adult fiction that reinvents reality. Whether your work takes us all the way to another world or simply holds a warped mirror up to the ordinary, we want to see writing that contorts existence into something […]

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Through the Looking Glass Challenge

Finished in a Flash: Five Quick Tips to Writing Flash Fiction

by Caitlin Taylor So Flash, micro, brief, or sudden fiction are all stories under a strict limit of words. Some writers may find this motivating, while others find it stifling. Regardless, flash fiction pieces must feel—for the most part—finished by the end. Being able to construct a fully fleshed out narrative in such a short […]

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Finished in a Flash: Five Quick Tips to Writing Flash Fiction

Crafting the Cauldron: Merging Witch Lit with Historical Fiction

Scan your bookshelves, and you’re bound to find a recurring theme: a wealth of witch lit rooted in times long past, settings where candlelight and parchment reign. But what about the “other” historical eras, like the complex tapestry of the 20th century? How often do we find our mystic heroines navigating the trenches of WWI […]

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Crafting the Cauldron: Merging Witch Lit with Historical Fiction

The Math of our Life Decisions: An Interview with Corey Farrenkopf

Corey Farrenkopf’s writing often combines beautiful, sophisticated composition with downright spooky vibes. His new novel, Living in Cemeteries, has generated a lot of excitement in horror and literary circles. I’ve been a fan for a long time. Huge thanks to Corey for spending time with my questions! —Myna *** Cover Artist: Mikio Murakami Myna Chang: […]

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The Math of our Life Decisions: An Interview with Corey Farrenkopf

YA Anthologies and Short Story Collections You Must Read

By Caitlin Taylor So In case you missed it, Uncharted’s Cinematic Short Story Contest is now open! From April 14 to June 16, 2024, we will be looking for short stories in the following genres: science fiction/fantasy, thriller/mystery (horror), historical fiction, and young adult. To celebrate, we’ll share a few young adult anthologies and short […]

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YA Anthologies and Short Story Collections You Must Read

Pushing Writer’s Block Out of Sight, Out of Mind

by Caitlin Taylor So Writer’s block. It happens even to the best of writers. You need to get something done before a specific time, but the words just aren’t coming. Hours pass as you continue to stare at the blinking line that kicks off the endless blankness that fills up your screen. Waiting until inspiration […]

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Pushing Writer’s Block Out of Sight, Out of Mind

So You Want Your Characters to Fall in Love. Should You Use Magic to Achieve It?

Imagine you’re a character in a world where magic spices up modern dating. You’re swiping on an enchanted app or maybe sipping a latte that’s more than just your regular caffeine fix—it’s laced with a love potion. And then all of a sudden: boom. You don’t feel like yourself, and that match you just made […]

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So You Want Your Characters to Fall in Love. Should You Use Magic to Achieve It?

Uncharted Magazine Cinematic Short Story Contest

Closed Thank you to everyone who submitted to this contest! We’ll have a longlist in the next 12-14 weeks. We can’t wait to see what you sent! We invite writers to submit to the Uncharted Magazine Cinematic Short Story Contest from April 14 to June 16, 2024. This award is for all of our genres: […]

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Uncharted Magazine Cinematic Short Story Contest

In Glorious Tones of Copper:An Interview with Samantha Mills

Samantha Mills is a wildly successful speculative author, with Nebula, Locus, and Sturgeon Awards to her credit. Her debut novel, The Wings Upon Her Back, is coming out in April through Tachyon Publications. The book has been described as a “tale of redemption, by turns relentlessly grim and courageously hopeful.” In a starred review, Booklist […]

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In Glorious Tones of Copper:An Interview with Samantha Mills

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison Winners and Shortlisted Writers

We’re so excited to announce our three co-winners, chosen by Judge Meg Elison! This was one of our fiercest novel excerpt contests, and we can’t wait to see where these novels end up in the future! Congratulations to: Mordent by Sara McKinney (Horror) Untouchable by Jordan Legg (SFF) What The Living Carry by Andy Boyle […]

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison Winners and Shortlisted Writers

Romance Challenge

Closed! Thank you to everyone who submitted. We have a cadre of readers who are excited to review these submissions! Our editors will choose a longlist, shortlist, and a winner in the next 10-12 weeks. Thank you for trusting us with your writing! In our newest writing challenge, Uncharted invites all writers to submit their […]

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Romance Challenge

Series Conclusions to Read in 2024

It’s triumphant yet bittersweet when reaching the conclusion of a book series, but alas, all good things must come to an end. Say goodbye to these five thrilling sagas in 2024, or catch up in time for the finale! Click on the titles to find out more! 1. Destroy the Day by Brigid Kemmerer (Defy the […]

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Series Conclusions to Read in 2024

Historical Fiction Challenge Winner

We’re thrilled to announce that we have chosen Chasing Ghosts by Heather Bell Adams as the winning story of this challenge! This story immediately immersed us into the life of a real historical person, while creating space for her as a character in this story. The details were true to the historical period and made […]

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Historical Fiction Challenge Winner

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison Longlist

We want to congratulate the writers of these 30 longlisted novel excerpts! We’re very excited about the mix of genres represented in this list, and we want these writers to know how hard it was to make this longlist, and the shortlist is proving to be even harder! We’ll be sending 15 excerpts from this […]

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison Longlist

Back to the Keyboard: An Interview with John Wiswell

I’m happy to count myself among John Wiswell’s dedicated fanbase. His stories often explore serious societal shortcomings, yet leave me feeling hopeful and uplifted. He has won both the Nebula and Locus awards and has been a finalist for the Hugo, British Fantasy, and World Fantasy awards. His debut novel, Someone You Can Build a […]

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Back to the Keyboard: An Interview with John Wiswell

Looking for Love? Read These 2024 YA Romances Instead

Maybe this past Valentine’s Day was uneventful for you. If you’re still planning on spending the rest of 2024 searching for “the one,” allow me to redirect your attention to these eight exciting young adult romance novels coming out this year! Click on the titles to find out more! 1.    Arya Khanna’s Bollywood Moment by […]

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Looking for Love? Read These 2024 YA Romances Instead

Historical Fiction Challenge Shortlist

Since we’re the judges of this contest, we’ve decided to share both the title and the writer for this shortlist! Congrats to everyone on this list! We’re excited to announce the winner next week!

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Historical Fiction Challenge Shortlist

Six Ways to Spring Clean Your Witchy WIP

Feeling stuck on a project you embarked on during the chilly winter evenings? Don’t fret. Spring cleaning isn’t just for clearing out our homes but also for injecting new energy into WIPs of all shapes and sizes. This is the perfect time to freshen up our characters and narratives with a spring-inspired approach, enhancing your […]

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Six Ways to Spring Clean Your Witchy WIP

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Keshe Chow

Now closed. Thank you to everyone who trusted us with their novel excerpts! We’re excited to journey to your inspired worlds! We invite writers to submit to the Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize from January 8 to March 10, 2024. Each year, novel excerpt submissions are some of our readers’ and editors’ favorite narratives to […]

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Keshe Chow

Building Dread, Creating Hope, and Getting Revenge: An Interview with Keshe Chow

“MINE,” by Keshe Chow, tells a haunting story about the invisibility of victims of domestic and sexual violence while offering a fresh take on the typical revenge story. Uncharted Magazine: When she wakes up in the hospital, Claire says, “It’s amazing how transparent being a victim can make you.” This speculative element works well as […]

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Building Dread, Creating Hope, and Getting Revenge: An Interview with Keshe Chow

Building Rome in a Day or Two: How to Approach Fantasy World-Building

Can you close your eyes and visualize your favorite fantasy world? What are some of the things you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste? Who are you, and who is around you? Why do you think these details were the first to come to mind? Strong worldbuilding is essential to laying the groundwork for every […]

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Building Rome in a Day or Two: How to Approach Fantasy World-Building

Amp up the Scare Factor: How to Create and Build Tension in Horror Stories

Halloween may be over, but spooky season is all year round if you want it to be. Whether you’re a seasoned horror writer or just dipping your pencil into the genre, you likely already know how crucial of a part tension plays. Tension is essential in every story, regardless of genre, but it especially does […]

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Amp up the Scare Factor: How to Create and Build Tension in Horror Stories

The Alchemy of Authenticity

Have you ever read a witch story and felt torn between wanting a classic “good versus evil” plot and craving something totally different? You’re not alone. Writing about witches is tricky business. On the one hand, we love the tried-and-true story arcs, those classic patterns we’ve seen since the days of Shakespeare or even Greek […]

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The Alchemy of Authenticity

Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award: The Aftermath | Judged by A. C. Wise | Winners!

We’re excited to reveal our 3 winners and the authors on the shortlist! First Place: The Blades of Ana Velasquez by Alexa T. Dodd Second Place: Deep Skin Anatomy by Lora Gray Third Place: Thank You, Bus Driver by Richard Brann Also publishing: Till Death by Ingrid S. Bergø The Theft at Cato’s Well by […]

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Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award: The Aftermath | Judged by A. C. Wise | Winners!

Visceral and Universal: An Interview with Angela Liu

Uncharted Magazine: In an interview, you described the sense of satisfaction and empowerment of putting yourself in control of a cruel world when writing horror. “Salt Girl” is a deftly written dark fantasy where dread is created through Rika’s loss of autonomy. Was there a catharsis to penning her deterioration into a pile of salt? Angela Liu: […]

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Visceral and Universal: An Interview with Angela Liu

Five YA Book-to-Screen Adaptations to Look Out For in 2023

By Caitlin Taylor So From the early 2000s to mid-2010s, young adult films of all genres dominated theaters. YA movie trailers were inescapable during commercial breaks. Up-and-coming actors became household names overnight. While the YA movie craze has since calmed down in 2023, it certainly isn’t a thing of the past. Instead of featuring in […]

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Five YA Book-to-Screen Adaptations to Look Out For in 2023

Historical Fiction Challenge

The winner of this challenge is Heather Bell Adams! Find her winning story here. Did you know that we’re now accepting historical fiction short stories? To launch this new category, we’re thrilled to announce a new writing challenge! For this challenge, we’re pleased to offer the first-place winner $500 and publication. All entries will be […]

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Historical Fiction Challenge

Witch Lit for Young Adults: Here’s how to craft magical coming-of-age stories

Ah, witch lit, that sublime subgenre of fiction where broomsticks aren’t just for sweeping and a full moon means more than a cloudless night. For readers of this enchanted genre, and certainly for its architects, the term “witch lit” evokes a rich tapestry of magical realism, occult traditions, and—most importantly—a celebration of feminine power. Though […]

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Witch Lit for Young Adults: Here’s how to craft magical coming-of-age stories

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Sequoia Nagamatsu Winners

Congrats to the three co-winners and the writers of all 14 novel excerpts! We can’t wait to see what happens with these novels in progress! Co-winners: – Ch. 9/Seven-Out by Veronica Reinhart Despite being given an excerpt nine chapters into a manuscript, I was immediately pulled into space…and not just space but a ramshackle hodgepodge of […]

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Sequoia Nagamatsu Winners

Casting Spells with Words and Symbols

Crafting literature in the witch lit genre is akin to stirring a cauldron of diverse cultural influences. It’s not merely an assembly of spells and incantations; it invokes universal archetypes and symbols expressed through a rich tapestry of languages and lore. Drawing from an array of traditions, be it Celtic legends or Yoruba myths, Sanskrit […]

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Casting Spells with Words and Symbols

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize | Judged by Sequoia Nagamatsu Longlist

Congrats to the writers of these 34 novel excerpts! We’re so honored when submitters trust us with their writing, especially excepts from their novels in progress. We’re working on narrowing this down to a shortlist of 15 to send to Sequoia!

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize | Judged by Sequoia Nagamatsu Longlist

Magic in the Mundane: Weaving Everyday Witchcraft into Your Story

Have you ever found yourself eager to dabble in a bit of magic into your narratives? Welcome to the world of witch lit, where the extraordinary hides within the ordinary. Witch lit is a subgenre of fiction that intricately weaves elements of witchcraft into everyday life, creating stories where the mundane and the magical coexist. […]

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Magic in the Mundane: Weaving Everyday Witchcraft into Your Story

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison

We’re so excited to announce our three co-winners, chosen by Judge Meg Elison! This was one of our fiercest novel excerpt contests, and we can’t wait to see where these novels end up in the future! Congratulations to: Mordent by Sara McKinney (Horror) Untouchable by Jordan Legg (SFF) What The Living Carry by Andy Boyle (Horror) We have also chosen to […]

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Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison

AI Challenge Winner

The winner is “More Than Electric Sheep” by Paul Martz! Congrats to all of the writers that made this shortlist!

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AI Challenge Winner

AI Challenge Shortlist

The winner will be announced by the end of the week! Congrats to all of the writers that made this shortlist!

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AI Challenge Shortlist

Feedback Forge

Final week to get those submissions in!   Welcome to the Uncharted Feedback Forge! Open from August 1-August 31, 2023 If you’re like us, you have a few drafts sitting in your files that could use an extra pair of eyes to help you take those stories to the next level. If iron sharpens iron, […]

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Feedback Forge

Voyage YA by Uncharted Anthology Contest

Thank you to everyone who submitted short stories!  Check back in mid-July for the results! Big changes are at work for Voyage this year! We are moving all of our prize opportunities to two biannual anthologies dedicated to top-notch YA writing. We want to give our incredible contributors a chance to see their name in print! We […]

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Voyage YA by Uncharted Anthology Contest

AI Flash Challenge

This contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! We’ll have a longlist in around ten weeks! We’re challenging writers to create 1,000-word-max flash genre stories in ten days or fewer! You’re invited to submit to the AI Flash Challenge from May 04 to May 14, 2023. We often find that the blank […]

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AI Flash Challenge

The Power of Language: An interview with Author Ai Jiang

Ai Jiang is a Chinese-Canadian writer and an immigrant from Fujian. Her debut novella, Linghun, will be published this spring, as will her collection, Ai Jiang’s Smol Tales From Between Worlds. She also recently announced a new novelette, I Am Ai, coming in June. Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in The Magazine of […]

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The Power of Language: An interview with Author Ai Jiang

Unexpected Threads: An Interview with Dr. Phoenix Alexander

Dr. Phoenix Alexander is a speculative author, scholar, teacher, and curator. His work has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Escape Pod, The Dark, Deadlands, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Black Static, and Science Fiction Studies, among others. He is a full member of the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA), and served as […]

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Unexpected Threads: An Interview with Dr. Phoenix Alexander

2023 Uncharted Magazine Thrilling Story Award

This contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered! We’ll have a longlist in around ten weeks! We invite writers to submit to the Uncharted MagazineThrilling Story Award from January 1 to February 28, 2023. This Award is for all three genres: SF/F, Thriller/Horror, and Mystery/Crime. Guest judge Gabino Iglesias will choose three […]

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2023 Uncharted Magazine Thrilling Story Award

Horror & Thriller / Crime & Mystery 1st Chapter Prize | Judged by Agent Dorian Maffei Shortlist Titles

And here are the winners! 1st Place: Horror/Thriller “Prologue – or, the Carny Incarcerated.” by Chloe La Vada  1st Place: Crime/Mystery “Lodged in the Body” by Adam McCulloch Runner Up: Horror/Thriller “The Violin” by Patrick Shanley Runner Up: Crime/Mystery “Buffalo Jill” by Karen Parkman 13 Shortlisted Titles!

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Horror & Thriller / Crime & Mystery 1st Chapter Prize | Judged by Agent Dorian Maffei Shortlist Titles

The Theoretical Possibilities:An Interview With Kristen Loesch

Kristen Loesch’s newest book, The Regeneration of Stella Yin, will be released November 30, 2022, from Ad Hoc Fiction. This novella-in-flash tells the story of two women inextricably linked in a technological quest to overcome grief and trauma. Through precisely crafted prose, Loesch explores artificial super intelligence, the singularity, and the human drive for survival. […]

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The Theoretical Possibilities:An Interview With Kristen Loesch

Short Story Prize Winners & Writers Shortlisted

And the three co-winners are… 1. Men Will Die by Celeste Kallio 2. I Will Never Be Alone by Alejandro Gutierrez 3. Jacaranda Park by Kate Maruyama The Runners-Up are… 1. God fall by Kira Sutherland 2. Parts Girls by Nina Simon Comet Wine by Ken Altabef Us and Them by Siobhan Chesson Men Will […]

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Short Story Prize Winners & Writers Shortlisted

Writing Saturnalia: Revelation for your Character and Reader

Writers spend a lot of time thinking critically about beginnings and ends. These are crucial moments in creating a satisfying story, but they’re also the easiest turning points to consider. What’s the first moment of trouble, the first moment of choice? What’s the final confrontation, the culmination of the character’s desires and needs? Execution, of […]

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Writing Saturnalia: Revelation for your Character and Reader

Ripple of Unease: An Interview with Jasmine Sawers

Jasmine Sawers is a writer, editor, and teacher. Sawers’s fairy tale flash collection, The Anchored World: Flash Fairy Tales and Folklore, was recently released by Rose Metal Press. From the publisher: The Anchored World: Flash Fairy Tales and Folklore “Drawing on both Western fairy tales and Thai legends, these flash fictions combine the myth and […]

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Ripple of Unease: An Interview with Jasmine Sawers

Writing Saturnalia: A Story Launch Thrives on an Easy Target

I’ve been writing and submitting fiction for nearly two decades now, and while I don’t have an itemized list, I believe I’ve received about one trillion rejections. One particular criticism appeared again and again: The opening is too slow and the stakes are too low. This complaint began to wear at me like a stone […]

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Writing Saturnalia: A Story Launch Thrives on an Easy Target

Short Story Prize judged by Lincoln Michel Longlist

Comet Wine Us and Them Lotus Eater Men Will Die I Will Never Be Alone The Painted Child Appetite A Life Never Lived A Stroke of Luck Together Forever B. waterways The Stain Beast in the Fog Almost Heaven or How I Unraveled in the Mortaverse Jacaranda Park Made You Look Retrieved: Notes from Diver […]

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Short Story Prize judged by Lincoln Michel Longlist

The Spare Moments: An Interview with Isabel J. Kim

Isabel J. Kim is a Korean-American science fiction and fantasy writer based in New York City. An attorney by day, she also co-hosts Wow If True, a podcast about internet culture. Her stories have been included in the Locus Recommended Reading List, as well as’s Must Read list. Her work has been published in […]

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The Spare Moments: An Interview with Isabel J. Kim

Sci-Fi & Fantasy 1st Chapter Prize Judged by Agent CeCe Lyra Winners and Shortlisted Writers

Judge Agent CeCe Lyra has made her selections! Congrats to the winners! Thank you to all of the submitters throughout the contest! The shortlisted writers deserve a celebration as well as it’s not easy to make the shortlist! 1st Place: HOMILY by Amanda Baldeneaux: The premise is intriguing: murdered girls begin to unexplainably reappear. Right away, […]

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy 1st Chapter Prize Judged by Agent CeCe Lyra Winners and Shortlisted Writers

Uncharted Magazine Horror & Thriller / Crime & Mystery 1st Chapter Prize Longlist

We’re excited to send these 24 first chapters to judge agent Dorian Maffei! Mr Grim Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark GRIN Bury and Take Root The Godfather of Madagascar La Brujeria Spells for Remembering Einsteins Cavern The Lost Coast Motel The Carny Incarcerated A Certain Rectitude Lodged in the Body Maple Lane Camelot Noir […]

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Uncharted Magazine Horror & Thriller / Crime & Mystery 1st Chapter Prize Longlist

Sci-Fi & Fantasy 1st Chapter Prize Judged by Agent CeCe Lyra Shortlist

These 15 fantastic and gripping first chapters have been sent to judge Agent CeCe Lyra! We can’t wait to reveal her selections! I AM IN LOVE WITH A STRANGE GIRL NAMED GEMMA USHERWOOD Homily Clairvoyant On the Roof Night Service Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead Billamina and the Ship that Sailed the Trees Mourn in Glory […]

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy 1st Chapter Prize Judged by Agent CeCe Lyra Shortlist

Choosing Joy: An Interview Gwen Kirby

Gwen E. Kirby’s recent collection Shit Cassandra Saw (Penguin) is filled with lightning-bright characters in unexpected situations. The stories, which have won too many awards to list, span centuries, centering women in their challenges and triumphs. Gwen has a lot to say, and she does so with elegance and wit. Thanks to Gwen for taking […]

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Choosing Joy: An Interview Gwen Kirby

Plot Structures for your YA Novel

Many of our readers are interested in international publishing as well as self-publishing, and Ali’s is an amazing story of success in both.

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Plot Structures for your YA Novel

Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award

Add to Calendar We invite writers to submit to the Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award from May 1 to July 31, 2022. This Award is for all three genres: SF/F, Thriller/Horror, and Mystery/Crime. Guest judge Lincoln Michel will choose three winning stories from a shortlist. We’re excited to offer 3 winners of this prize $1000 […]

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Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award

An Unexpected Dragon in the Sky: An Interview with Maria Haskins

Maria Haskins is a Swedish-Canadian writer, translator, and reviewer of speculative fiction. She’s well known in the community for her tireless support of genre work, publishing a monthly roundup of speculative fiction for her newsletter, as well as a quarterly roundup for Strange Horizons. She consistently profiles the very best new stories, and her Behind […]

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An Unexpected Dragon in the Sky: An Interview with Maria Haskins

Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Winners & Short List writers

And the winners are: 1st Place: SELF PRESERVATION by Rob Nisbet 2nd Place: A THOUSAND MILES AWAY by Joseph Walker 3rd Place: UNDER THE IVY by Meg Overman Shortlist The Pull by Kyle Tolan The Assassin’s Portrait by Nina Wachsman You Seen Our Girl? by S.E. Reed Self-Preservation by Rob Nisbet The Man in the […]

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Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Winners & Short List writers

Here’s How Your Favorite Authors Get Their First Draft Down

A few drafts in, we get so familiar with our YA manuscripts that the story begins to feel like an old friend. We know it backward and forwards, where each scene is and what happens in each scene. But we also smooth out the edges in our minds and it becomes harder and harder to look at our manuscripts with a critical eye. We get to a point where we go over all our pages only to discover we don’t know how to push them forward. To help out when that happens, we’ve compiled a few prompts to help you get fresh eyes on your story

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Here’s How Your Favorite Authors Get Their First Draft Down

Conducting an Interview for Your YA Novel

Whether writing contemporary, historical, sci-fi or fantasy, an interview can be a great opportunity to develop a character or learn about something you didn’t know about before.

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Conducting an Interview for Your YA Novel

An Interview with Chris Panatier, Author of Stringers

Chris Panatier’s second novel, Stringers, releases on April 12. Publisher’s Weekly gave the book a starred review, and the American Library Association called it “a rip-roaring space adventure” and a “touching exploration of what sentient beings owe to one another.” The author himself says Stringers is “a heartfelt sci-fi vehicle for potty jokes.” I’m a […]

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An Interview with Chris Panatier, Author of Stringers

Researching for Your YA Novel

Most novels, whether they take place a hundred years ago or two years ago, require research.

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Researching for Your YA Novel

Creating a System of Accountability in YA Writer Groups

Imagine this: a mug of hot coffee in your hand, a pencil and notebook in your backpack, and a group of fellow writers all sitting at the round table of a local bookstore cafe, waiting to talk about your writing.

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Creating a System of Accountability in YA Writer Groups

Online Classes for YA writers

As a YA writer, you might be located in any part of the world. At one point, your resources for writing might have been limited by how far you could travel. However, with the internet and the spread of online learning, it’s become more common to take writing courses from your computer.

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Online Classes for YA writers

How to Budget for YA Writing Competitions

You’ve written your first draft, second draft and perhaps a few more. You’ve gotten your book as far as you can and you’re thinking about the next step–sharing your work. Placing your words in the hands of beta readers is a daunting task. It can be scary to share your story–but feedback from others can really make your manuscript shine.

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How to Budget for YA Writing Competitions

Uncharted’s Horror/Thriller Short Story Contest Long List

We’re so excited to announce the 35 titles of our long list! The submissions we received were so chilling, thrilling, and memorable that we’ve had a hard time narrowing down the list! We’ll announce the shortlist titles next week! Thank you for your patience! The Gunfighter and the Undertaker Potashe Preserve To Serve With Both […]

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Uncharted’s Horror/Thriller Short Story Contest Long List

How to Set Daily Writing Goals as a YA Writer

With a daunting task like writing a book, It’s hard to see the finish line. That can often be difficult and demotivating. That’s why it’s helpful to set daily writing goals. You’ll start feeling accomplished at the end of the day, and before you know it, all of your little moments of word count will add up to a whole book.

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How to Set Daily Writing Goals as a YA Writer

Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Short List

We’re so excited to announce the 14 titles of our Short List! The submissions we received were so chilling, thrilling, and memorable that we’ve had a hard time narrowing down the list! We’ll announce the winners in the next 2-4 weeks! The Pull The Assassin’s Portrait You Seen Our Girl? Self-Preservation The Man in the […]

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Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Short List

How to Find an Agent for Your YA Novel

If you want to get traditionally published, finding an agent is often the next step after you’ve finished revising your manuscript. It can be really helpful to have a collaborator, a partner and new eyes on something you’ve worked on for so long, but it’s important to find the right person.

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How to Find an Agent for Your YA Novel

Prompts to Help You Get Fresh Eyes on Your YA Manuscript

A few drafts in, we get so familiar with our YA manuscripts that the story begins to feel like an old friend. We know it backward and forwards, where each scene is and what happens in each scene. But we also smooth out the edges in our minds and it becomes harder and harder to look at our manuscripts with a critical eye. We get to a point where we go over all our pages only to discover we don’t know how to push them forward. To help out when that happens, we’ve compiled a few prompts to help you get fresh eyes on your story

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Prompts to Help You Get Fresh Eyes on Your YA Manuscript

An Interview with Nick Olson, author of Afterglow

Nick Olson’s newest book, a speculative novel-in-flash titled Afterglow (Alien Buddha Press), will be released in June. Nick is a freelance editor and author of both literary and speculative fiction. His previous novels, Here’s Waldo and The Brother We Share, are available now. He is the editor of lit zine (mac)ro(mic). Nick let me take an early peek at Afterglow and I loved the complex future history he has envisioned.

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An Interview with Nick Olson, author of Afterglow

Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Long List

We’re so excited to announce the 26 titles of our longlist! The submissions we received were so chilling, thrilling, and memorable that we’ve had a hard time narrowing down the list! We’ll announce the shortlist titles next week! Thank you for your patience! The Sixth of October Help, Satan! Storm in a Teacup Bad Beat […]

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Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Long List

Uncharted’s Summer Sci-Fi/Fantasy Short Story Award Short List

We’re so excited to announce the 15 titles of our shortlist! The submissions we received were so creative, thrilling, and deeply envisioned that we’ve had a hard time narrowing down the list! We’ll announce the winners in early January! Thank you for your patience! From this list, Ken Liu will select 3 winners! The Organic […]

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Uncharted’s Summer Sci-Fi/Fantasy Short Story Award Short List

Writing Stories that Sing: An Interview with Evan J. Peterson

1. What is your hottest take on the age old genre vs. fiction debate and how do you see yourself and your work fitting into that? Evan J. Peterson: You asked for it, so here goes. Genre is about money. Genres as we know them are made up to sell books, and they were made […]

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Writing Stories that Sing: An Interview with Evan J. Peterson

Essay – YA Literature: Unchildlike Behavior by Megan Cummins

First published in The Masters Review “I don’t believe a teenager would think this.” This is a critique I’ve heard often while writing my YA novel, a story about a teenage girl who goes to live with her father in Sioux Falls one summer; when she arrives, she finds he’s left town. Rather than calling […]

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Essay – YA Literature: Unchildlike Behavior by Megan Cummins

5 Questions for Brandon Goode

Brandon Goode grew up in the small beach town of Melbourne, Florida. He attended Eastern Florida State College and Florida International University. He loves to motivate and inspire others, enjoys traveling, and eats an insanely amount of sushi. Oh, and he is obsessed with all things on the Bravo network. His debut novel, The Secrets […]

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5 Questions for Brandon Goode

5 Questions for Pamela N. Harris

Pamela N. Harris was born and somewhat raised in Newport News, VA—also affectionately known as “Bad News.” A former school counselor by day, she received her BA in English and a Master’s in school counseling at Old Dominion University, her MFA in creative writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and a PhD in counselor education and […]

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5 Questions for Pamela N. Harris

A Conversation with Jenny Torres-Sanchez

Originally published in Fantastic Floridas by Burrow Press When I saw the premise for Jenny Torres Sanchez’s latest novel, Because of the Sun, I knew I had to read it. The novel features a complicated protagonist, captivating language and, best of all, a bear attack that takes place in Orlando. When I visited ALA over […]

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A Conversation with Jenny Torres-Sanchez

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