Historical Fiction Challenge - Uncharted
By Uncharted

The winner of this challenge is Heather Bell Adams! Find her winning story here.

Did you know that we’re now accepting historical fiction short stories? To launch this new category, we’re thrilled to announce a new writing challenge! For this challenge, we’re pleased to offer the first-place winner $500 and publication. All entries will be considered for general publication at our regular rate of $200.

We’re seeking stories that significantly and enticingly engage with history. We want to see your characters interact with (in)famous people, dwell deeply and fully in past eras, and teach us how the world operated in bygone times. We want history, and its learned lessons, brought to life in our pages.

No prompts are needed for this challenge. We want the historical fiction you’ve been honing obsessively, just waiting for a new market to emerge. Or maybe there’s an era and a character you’ve always wanted to explore? Remember that we want your characters to be just as intriguing and engaging as your settings!

You’re invited to submit to the Historical Fiction Challenge from November 01 to November 30, 2023.


The deadline for entry is November 30, 2023. We will announce the shortlist, chosen by our editorial staff, within 1012 weeks of the contest’s close. All writers will be notified when the results are in.

● Your $20 reading fee allows ONE historical fiction short story of 1,001–5,000 words per entry.

● We encourage multiple submissions—each story should be a separate submission accompanied by a reading fee.

Please submit short stories only—5,000 word count maximum.

● We only consider unpublished work for contests—we do not review reprints, including self-published work (even on blogs and social media). Reprints will be automatically disqualified.

● Simultaneous submissions are okay—please notify us immediately and withdraw your entry if you find another home for your writing.

● All entries will also be considered for publication in Uncharted.

● Double-space your submission and use Times New Roman 12 (or larger if needed).

● Please include a brief cover letter with your publication history (if applicable).

● Please include a content warning to help safeguard our staff (if applicable).

● We only read work in English, though some code-switching is warmly welcomed.

● We do not read anonymous submissions.

● Work generated by AI will be automatically disqualified.

Some Submittable Hot Tips:

● Please be sure to whitelist/add to contacts this email address so notifications do not get filtered as spam/junk: notifications@email.submittable.com.

● If you realize you sent the wrong version of your piece: It happens. Please DO NOT withdraw the piece and resubmit. Submittable collects a nonrefundable fee each time. Please DO message us from within the submission to request that we open the entry for editing, which will allow you to fix everything from typos in your cover letter to uploading a new draft. The only time we will not allow a change is if the piece is already under review by a reader.


You may choose to receive editorial feedback on your piece. We will provide two-page global letters discussing the strengths of the writing and the recommended focus for revision. Our aim is to make our comments actionable and encouraging. These letters are written by editors and staff readers of Uncharted. A significant portion of the editorial letter fees goes to our feedback editor. Should your story win, no feedback will be offered, and your fee will be refunded.