Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison Shortlist - Uncharted

Uncharted Magazine Novel Excerpt Prize Judged by Meg Elison Shortlist

By Uncharted

We want to congratulate the writers of these 15 shortlisted novel excerpts and are very excited to send the excerpts on this list to Judge Meg Elison!

  1. Little Men
  2. The Ashdowners
  3. Psi Q
  4. What The Living Carry
  5. What Dies in Vegas
  6. Pinky’s Dance Hall
  8. P011Y
  9. Untouchable
  10. The Steel Trials
  11. Mordent
  12. A Castle in the Park
  13. The Crystal Ball
  14. Death in the Desert
  15. The Afterlife Project