Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Winners & Short List writers - Uncharted

Uncharted’s 2021 Crime/Mystery Short Story Award Winners & Short List writers

By Uncharted

And the winners are:

1st Place: SELF PRESERVATION by Rob Nisbet

2nd Place: A THOUSAND MILES AWAY by Joseph Walker

3rd Place: UNDER THE IVY by Meg Overman


The Pull by Kyle Tolan

The Assassin’s Portrait by Nina Wachsman

You Seen Our Girl? by S.E. Reed

Self-Preservation by Rob Nisbet

The Man in the Nixon Mask by Steven Cordin

Another Satisfied Customer by Kyle Decker 

Where’s Lucy? by Tyler Paterson

Cafe by Danie White

The Retread by  Lawrence Robinson

Shooting Gallery by Max Miller

A Rough Sketch by Drew McCutchen

A Thousand Miles Away by Joseph Walker

Under the Ivy by Meg Overman

Scorpions by Nick Kolakowski